In Base Navigation, your course list (found under the “Courses” menu) will appear differently than in the Original Experience:

By default, your course “cards” will be arranged alphabetically by Course ID and sorted by term. You will see all non-hidden courses appear on one page:

Courses are no longer able to be manually reordered, but there are many other options to view and filter them.
Each course card lists the course ID, course title, and instructor. If a course has multiple instructors, select Multiple Instructors for a list. Select More info to see the description and schedule, if added. Courses can also be marked as “Favorites” by clicking on the star icon. Any course marked as a favorite will always appear at the top of the Courses page. Courses can also be marked private (unavailable) or be hidden from the Courses page via the “3 dot” button located on the right of the Course card:

You can view your Courses page as a list or a grid. In grid view, you can customize the image on each course card. There is now a search field that can be used to filter courses via text search. Courses will be shown based on what text has been entered into the search box. Courses can also be filtered via the “Filter” drop-down menu. They can be filtered by many criteria including courses you teach, courses that are private (unavailable), courses that are hidden, and more. You can also customize the number of courses that can be viewed (25,50, or 100):

Courses can also be filtered by specific term by clicking on “Current Courses” at the top of the page and selecting the desired term from the drop-down menu that appears. Terms can also be viewed by using the arrows in the upper left and right corner of the Courses page:

NOTE - If you have merged courses (Parent/Child courses), then in Base Navigation you will only see the PARENT course appear on your Courses page. This is a known issue that Blackboard is aware of and is set to be addressed in a future patch/update.